Location 地點 | Media 媒材 | Year 年代 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
Harvey Mountain State Forest, New York紐約 | Steel wires, hemp, and fishing lines. 鐵絲、麻、尼龍線 | 2017 | 78"x55"x83"200CMx140CMx210CM |
Documentation:Hui-Ying Tsai
No.9 Persistence of Time No.9 時間暫留
Even though our perception of self is still and our relative location to the surrounding seems unchanged. The earth revolves both round the sun and on its axis unnoticed. The piece is a drawing in space as a doppelganger of the rock. The rock could overlap my drawing in the space at some point in the time. Just like the persistence of vision, movement can be detected by continuous still images.物質在宇宙間並非恆常,地球在時間的流裡公轉自轉,身為表面生物的我們很難察覺。在此畫一顆森林岩石的分身,它也許會在宇宙間的某個時刻裡、彷彿視覺暫留般,與此分身疊合。