Location 地點 | Media 媒材 | Year 年代 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
Governors Island, New York紐約 | Plaster, seashells, and compost 石膏、貝殼、堆肥 | 2018 | 15'x15'x2'457CMx457CMx60CM |
Documentation:Hui-Ying Tsai
No.7 Diamond DustNo.7 金剛塵
Diamond Dust participated in the 2018 Governors Island Art Fair in NYC. It aims to highlight the continuous cycling of all matter in the universe in different forms. Diamond Dust represents the infinite cycle of nature’s endless creation and destruction, life, and death.The piece is inspired by the Tibetan Sand Mandala and Diamond Sūtra. The Tibetan Sand Mandala is ritualistically dismantled once it has been completed. This process symbolizes the Buddhist doctrinal of impermanence: all of conditioned existence, without exception, is "transient, evanescent, inconstant”.
The Diamond Sūtra emphasizes the practice of non-abiding and non-attachment. The title of Diamond Sutra relies on the power of the diamond to cut things as a metaphor for the type of wisdom that cuts and shatters illusions to get to ultimate reality.
This piece is a temporary outdoor installation that all materials will be returned and repurposed after the exhibition.
All shells are supplied by Billion Oyster Project, a local non-profit, that restores oyster reefs to New York Harbor through public education initiatives. Over time, the oyster reefs restore the local marine ecosystem’s natural mechanisms for maintaining itself, resulting in cleaner water and greater biodiversity. The shells will all be returned to their site and turned into more oyster reefs.
The compost is supplied by Earth Matter, another local non-profit, that addresses resource recovery and healthy soils issues by promoting the local composting of organic waste into a healthy soil amendment in the urban environment. Earth Matter composts organic waste locally through education and community efforts to reduce the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) burden on municipal sewer systems. The compost used in Diamond Dust will be naturally absorbed in the soil on site, and partially retuened to Earth Matter for organic farming.
The plaster sculptures will be repurposed as planters for starting vegetable seeds indoors for spring.
此戶外短期裝置使用的材料將全部在展覽結束後再度利用、或回歸自然循環。其中再利用的牡蠣及其他貝殼提供自島上一非營利組織Billion Oyster Project,該組織致力於回收紐約各大海鮮餐廳食用貝類的殼,並透過公眾教育鼓勵民眾自主積極參與水質淨化、與生態復育的工作。以總督導為基地,志工們製作人工島礁養殖牡蠣,利用牡蠣淨化水質的特性,在紐約市各港口造礁,改善水底生態環境和維持生物多樣性。作品使用的貝殼將全數在撤展完後二度回收,製作成人工島礁。
作品中使用的堆肥則提供自島上另一個非營利組織Earth Matter,該組織基於資源恢復、健康土質的兩大主旨,積極處理紐約市以及海軍軍港的廚餘,將之轉變成有機栽種的天然堆肥,轉化廢棄食物成為資源,並同時減少了紐約市下水道過度飽和的問題。作品使用的堆肥在展覽期間會被土地自然吸收,部分堆肥將歸還於Earth Matter用於有機栽種。