Location 地點 Media 媒材 Year 年代 Dimensions 尺寸
Fulong Beach, Taiwan福隆沙灘,Taiwan台灣 Coastal garbage 海漂垃圾 2017 8m"x1.2m"x3.5m" 立方公尺

Photographer Hui-Ying Tsai

照片攝影師 蔡慧盈

No.5 海怪(Sea Monster)

The first edition of Fulong Beach Coastal Cleanup Art Project is led by artist, Hui-Ying Tsai, and Ji-Yuan Huang, the founder of Being Fulong Surfing School in collaboration with Fulong Elementary School.
Sea Monster is an art project that focuses on raising awareness of ocean plastic pollution and the environmental-friendly community building. The execution of the piece was through free workshops opened to the public and art classes at Fulong Elementary School. The piece is made with 100% coastal garbage gathered from 4 coastal cleanup events by volunteers and students at Fulong Elementary School.
The design of the piece is a mysterious beached marine mammal that is half buried in the sand. The body of the Sea Monster is a found styrofoam boat and its fins are made with various plastic garbage. The materials are put together with found ropes and fishing lines in order to keep the waste of production to its minimum. The artwork was built with help of a group of volunteers in total 5 days. The piece will be taken apart and sent to garbage and recycling center before the next typhoon hits the area.
The long-term goal of this project is to make it into an annual event/art residency and progressively develop Fulong to be an active community that demonstrates care for the costal environment.

2017年5月為第一屆活動試辦,由藝術家蔡慧盈帶領設計製作,福隆地球人衝浪學校協調場地、工具、住宿、與聯絡事宜,邀請福隆國小師生、志工前後共計二十人,在五個工作天內以工作坊的形式淨灘四次,製作完成。 活動主旨以藝術創作為中心,帶領社區居民共同發展對自身環境的關注,並透過個人的實際參與建立社群向心力,同時達到宣傳環保意識、愛護自然的教育目標。