Location 地點 | Media 媒材 | Year 年代 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
Cheng Long Wetlands,成龍溼地,Taiwan台灣 | Bamboo, Hemp, Local plants, Oyster and Clam Shells 竹、麻繩、當地植物、牡蠣與文蛤殼 | 2017 | 4.5m"x3m"x8.6m" 立方公尺 |
Photographers Munch, Qing-An Guo, Corina Hsu, and Hui-Ying Tsai
照片攝影師 Munch,郭清安,許琇珍,蔡慧盈
No.4 搖籃(Cradle)
Cradle is a functional floating sculpture that works as two-sides habitat for life in the wetland. One side is a shelter for birds above water, and the another side is a base habitat to develop an underwater ecosystem. I want to highlight the strength of nature’s ability to self-heal and neutralize life given time and care. The main design is a crescent moon symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle. Wetland environment has particularly close relationship tied to the tide action. The piece is a mobile device that will sway gently with the tidal action like a cradle singing lullaby. There were 3 workshops taught to the Cheng Long Elementary School students to make bird nests that hang inside of the structure as the foundation for local birds to build upon.
搖籃是一件為成龍溼地特別設計、具功能性的生物棲息地裝置。新月造型的構成,象徵著濕地的生態系與宇宙自然和諧一致、週而復始的永續循環。『春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生。』濕地的環境與潮汐漲退緊密相關,而海潮又受到月球引力影響。自古以來,人類文明就有許多月亮崇拜與傳說,人體大約60%是由水構成,西方人相信月球引力不僅影響潮汐、也影響人體,我們和月亮以及自然萬物實有密不可分的關係。 水中月的情調應是不言而喻的。唐代有李白跳江捉月的傳說,並詩:『今人不見古時月,今月曾經照古人。』『海上生明月,天涯共此時。』在地球之外的月亮,某種意義上是超越時空的。
聽風吹 誰等誰
哆囉呀 搖進水
紅的 橘的 混濕整片散田
靜靜飄 好好睡