Location 地點 | Media 媒材 | Year 年代 | Dimensions 尺寸 |
Vistabella del Maestrat, Spain 西班牙 | Grapevines, Dry Hays, Hemp, Pine Branches 葡萄藤、乾草、麻繩、松枝 | 2016 | 51"x51"x51" 立方英寸 |
Video footage shoot by Rual Jualve, Armando Bolano, and Hui-Ying Tsai
Video edited by Hui-Ying Tsai
Photographers Marino Darés Zapatero and Hui-Ying Tsai
影片攝影師 Rual Jualve, Armando Bolano, 蔡慧盈
剪接師 蔡慧盈
照片攝影師 Marino Darés Zapatero, 蔡慧盈
No.3 Nido(Nest)
Nido means Nest in Spanish. Nido participated in the ENCLAVE Land Art Residency Program in Vistabella, Spain, from Nov. 6th to 20th, 2016. It was a site-specific installation built in 7 days using natural materials gathered in the region. The design of this piece is inspired by the special structure of the yew tree, which is common in Spain. The ancient Celtic religious belief, the yew tree was a portal to other realms, and some ancient yew trees hollow trunks were used as sacred ritual space in the churchyard. The finished work was left on site in the park and donated to the local community. During the final exhibition, the piece was lit up at night time.
本作品位於西班牙南部Vistabella鄰近森林裡的一條遊牧古道,此小徑在中世紀時為商業交換而開發,隨後也成為歷史上歐洲移民的路線。造型靈感來自於西班牙常見的歐洲紅豆杉之特殊根部。古老的歐洲紅豆杉通常有盤根錯節的樹幹,隨著樹齡增加,其粗大的樹幹亦產生中空,在西班牙北部受到凱爾特天主教文化影響的區域,中空的樹幹被相信是具有靈性、可通往另一個世界的入口,常被使用於宗教儀式。我借用它的形式創作,反映出當地在歷史交流通道的重要地位。駐村創作期間,當地居民主動幫助蒐集材料、出借工具、還有幫忙搭建基本架構,我也親自為當地小學以及位於Castelló de la Plana的Juame I 大學藝術系學生做導覽,並在作品完成後在當地舊監獄轉型的替代空間正式發表成果。在展覽期間作品夜間打光,而後留在原址慢慢回歸自然。